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About Us

The ADBMI Foundation or ADBMI Foundation is the first locally based non-profit civil society organization in East Lombok Regency which is concerned with the issue of Migrant Workers and Human Trafficking with a rights-based movement and the needs of victims. Founded and formed by caring individuals, human rights activists, former migrant workers, Islamic boarding school circles and victims of migrant workers.


ADBMI has been active since 2000, starting with 3 assisted villages. In 2004, the number of assisted villages increased to 6 villages, and this continues to increase along with the growth and development of the organization. To date, 24+ Village Regulations (Perdes) have been issued to protect migrant workers and their families. Piloting, facilitating and organizing the formation of CBO (Community Base Organization) in 32 villages out of 254 villages in East Lombok Regency. ADBMI has 100++ trained paralegals who can at any time help victims/families of migrant workers in their respective communities to access justice.

We believe that caring for others can provide positive values and change the value of life for the better.

Our Mission


  • The process is healthy. The process of organizing the placement of migrant workers must fulfill the principles of good and clean governance, free from brokers, cheap, anti-gender bias, zero trafficking, friendly and easy for residents to access. Taking a human rights perspective and fulfilling the Constitutional rights of citizens.

  • The impact is healthy. Financial and social remittances as a result of migration have an optimal impact on the social & economic development of families and communities. This includes no neglect and abandonment of the rights of family members left behind (fulfillment of the rights of women and children

Foto bareng ADBMI dan Generasi Bintang Sejahtera bersama para pesertapelatihan Falisitator do Hotel Jayakarta


  • Review of policies and social phenomena to be conceptualized as a reference framework for action to improve conditions for the protection and empowerment of the migrant worker community,

  • Encourage & strengthen migrant worker organs and other civil organs to increase Policy advocacy power,


  • Develop monitoring & protection mechanisms in the labor sector

  • Encourage and innovate the birth of a community-based social, economic and legal protection system for migrant workers,

  • Integralistic holistic empowerment of the BMI community as part of Protection,

  • Providing counseling services, reintegration and assistance with access to justice services for migrant workers and their families,

  • Integrate the values of democracy, anti-discrimination, gender equality and the principle of respecting children's rights in migration management.

Your little concern can change someone else's life

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