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Village Governments Must Make Efforts to Provide Protection for Migrant Workers and Their Families

Efforts to provide protection for Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) began with drawing up a Roadmap. Wrapped in a workshop method to reach a wider audience.

In the Indonesian migrant worker (PMI) mechanism, the role of the village government is very important. The beginning of PMI's journey began with the village government. It is very appropriate if the roadmap creeps from the grass roots and then rises to higher levels of government.

Village Governments Must Make Efforts to Provide Protection for Migrant Workers and Their Families – Village governments have a very important role in realizing the protection of Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) at the village level.

The village government is the spearhead of all information that can be absorbed by the village community, especially in terms of information regarding Indonesian migrant workers.

Law number 18 of 2017 also regulates the roles and functions, duties and authority of village governments in terms of protecting and empowering Indonesian migrant workers and their families.

However, it is not uncommon for villages to not understand the duties and functions assigned to them by top level government.

Pemerintah Desa Harus Berupaya Memberikan Pelindungan Terhadap Pekerja Migran dan Keluarganya
Special Photo: Village FGD in Borok Toyang Village to improve the Roadmap for the Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers at the village level implemented by the ADBMI Foundation and AWO International.

Embracing Involved Villages Strengthens Vulnerable Groups of Indonesian Migrant Workers

Advocacy for Indonesian Migrant Workers (ADBMI Foundation) encourages the involvement of village governments in providing safe spaces for Indonesian migrant workers at the village level. That villages should understand the duties and functions stated in Law Number 18 of 2017.

ADBMI Foundation together with AWO International strives to realize safe migration by engaging village governments to be involved in perfecting the PMI protection Roadmap at the village level.

Pemerintah Desa Harus Berupaya Memberikan Pelindungan Terhadap Pekerja Migran dan Keluarganya
Special Photo: Submission of the Roadmap file for the protection of Indonesian migrant workers to the village head of Borok Toyang by LSD Borok Toyang

This roadmap will later become a road map or guide for village governments in realizing safe migration for village communities.

This PMI protection roadmap at the village level is intended to be adopted by all villages in East Lombok Regency. Moreover, East Lombok is the district with the largest number of PMI shipments in West Nusa Tenggara.

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